Who Are We?

Computers for Schools Plus (CFS+) is a national partnership-based program that refurbishes digital devices donated from government, private business and individuals for use by schools, libraries, not-for-profit organizations, Indigenous communities and eligible low-income individuals. This program is funded by the Government of Canada.

Alberta Computers for Schools has registered refurbisher shops in Edmonton and Calgary. We receive financial support from Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED). Since our beginning in 1994, ACFS has distributed more than 200,000 computers primarily to K-12 schools across Alberta. In 2024 alone we distributed more than 10,000 computers. We are a registered not for profit association under the Alberta Societies Act.

Do We Make a Difference?

We extend the useful life of thousands of computers and help to reduce the environmental footprint of the governments and industry. In the 2024 calendar year alone we shipped in excess of 300,000 pounds of computers and associated equipment for recycling. Our work means that some 450,000 pounds of additional material is diverted from the recycling stream each year. We work only with registered recycling companies and partners.

The current service delivery model of ACFS offers governments, businesses and individuals an efficient and cost-effective way to extend the life of thousands of computers. Recipients tell us the computers we provide help to ensure all students have equity of access to teaching and learning opportunities and play an important role in helping to those students achieve success. ACFS also provides refurbished computers to other not for profit organizations and a host of other Albertans who for a variety of reasons do not have ready and reliable access to a computer. For these people ACFS provides an important tool that enables them to connect and enhance their lives.

We are an effective model of cooperation between the Alberta Government, the Federal Government and the private sector.

Board of Directors

Cope, Kari

ex officio
Executive Director
Alberta Computers for Schools

Sharma, Amit

Board Chair
Director, Information Services
Internal IT

Ginther, Don

Manager I.T Services
First Nations Technical Services
Advisory Group (TSAG)

Anderson, Kerry

Secretary - Treasurer
Library Consultant
Alberta Municipal Affairs

Plecash, Ross

Engineering Governance Manager
Enbridge Pipelines Inc.

Allan, Gregor

Senior Account Manager

Obery, Jeremy

Account Executive
Dell Canada

Jones, Garrett

Cloud and Data Center
Transformation Executive
Insight Canada